Shop Kingdom Heritage Tue, 20 Aug 2024 21:41:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Shop 32 32 212214305 Personal Devotional Journal Fri, 24 Feb 2023 18:25:33 +0000 One of the most precious gifts God created and gave us as girls is our emotions, which go deep, and even penetrate the depths of our souls. This is one reason why God refers to us as the weaker vessel, compared to men. He knew our feelings would often direct our actions and makes us highly sensitive in many areas. For example, even in trying to be in alignment with destiny, it is our emotions that motivate us to like a certain boy, and then to say yes to that ring, because we feel (our soul) loved and then know (our mind) that we are loved. Since emotions can and do often control our actions and change in an instant, we need to recognise and master them, because they often produce susceptibility to making foolish choices based on flashes of emotion that carry serious consequences and cause our lives to end up in ruins. Therefore, it is important to learn how to be aware of our feelings at each given moment, especially before making decisions and taking subsequent action.

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Kindness Mon, 14 Nov 2022 22:45:17 +0000 This series teaches children that God is kind to us and they too can show kindness to others by what they do.

It tells them how they can use their natural talent to bless others at home and in their community.

It shows them what God’s kindness looks like with an example of Dorcas.

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[Pre-order] Love Mon, 14 Nov 2022 22:44:29 +0000 This series teaches children that they are loved by God just for being who they are and they too can live others for who they are in God.

It shows them what God’s love looks like using Jesus as the perfect example.

The sale price is currently for preorders and will be shipped out by January.

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